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Ncert Solution | Ncert Solution for class 9th | NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science | NCERT SOLUTIONS FOR CLASS 9 SCIENCE CHAPTER 6 TISSUES
by   Pooja Singla
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NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues are prepared by CBSE student eCARE expert to score good marks in class 9. This chapter contain many topics which are very important to score good in class 9. There are some important topic/Activity mentioned below- 

Topics and Sub Topics in Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues:

  1. Tissues
  2. Are Plants and Animals Made of Same Types of Tissues?
  3. Plant Tissues
  4. Animal Tissues

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Some questions are asked by class 9 students related to Science

1. What is a tissue?


A tissue is defined as a cluster of cells which are similar in structure and work together to perform a particular function.

2. What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms?


The use of tissues in multicellular organisms is to provide structural and mechanical strength as well as to allow division of labour.

3. Name types of simple tissues.


The types of simple tissues are as follows:

? Parenchyma

? Collenchyma

? Sclerenchyma

4. Where is apical meristem found?


In plants, apical meristem are typically found at:

  • The tip of the shoot
  • Root of the plant

5. Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut?


The Sclerenchymatous tissue, which is a type of permanent tissue makes up the husk of the coconut. These tissues causes the plant to become stiff and hard. The cells of this tissue are dead and their cell walls are thickened because of the presence of lignin.

6. What are the constituents of phloem?


The phloem constitutes of the following four elements, they are:

? Sieve tube

? Companion cells

? Phloem parenchyma

? Phloem fibres