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Ncert Solution | Ncert Solution for class 9th | NCERT solutions for Class 9 Science | NCERT SCIENCE CHAPTER 13 WHY DO WE FALL ILL
by   Pooja Singla
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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall ill

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill are prepared by CBSE student eCARE expert to score good marks in class 9. This chapter contain many topics which are very important to score good in class 9. There are some important topic/Activity mentioned below- 

Topics and Sub Topics in Class 9 Science Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill:

  1. Why Do We Fall Ill
  2. Health and its Failure
  3. Disease and Its Causes
  4. Infectious Diseases

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Some questions are asked by class 9 students related to Science

Question 1. List any three reasons why you would think that you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present, would you still go to the doctor? Why or why not?
Answer: The 3 reasons why one would think that he is sick are—(1) headache, (2) cold and cough, (3) loose-motions.
This indicates that there may be a disease but does not indicate what the disease is. So one would still visit the doctor for the treatment and to know the cause of above symptom.
Even in case of single symptom one needs to go to the doctor to get proper treatment.


Question 2. In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant?

  • If you get jaundice
  • If you get lice
  • If you get acne.

Answer: In the above cases, lice and acne are acute problems of our health which can be cured in short duration. But jaundice is the disease that can have most unpleasant effect on our health as it affects the most important organ of our body i.e., liver. This disease is a chronic one.

Question Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick?
Answer: We are advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick because our body needs energy to release cells to overcome the infection, the wear and tear of body organ. The nourishing food provides nutrients to our body that will further provide energy and make new cells. No spices in the food makes its digestion process faster, does not release acids in the body that can interfere in the treatment and cure.