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Ncert Solution | Ncert Solution for class 9th | NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive | NCERT SOLUTIONS FOR CLASS 9 ENGLISH POEM CHAPTER 9 THE SNAKE TRYING
by   Pooja Singla
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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem Chapter 9 The Snake Trying are prepared by CBSE student eCARE expert to score good marks in class 9. This chapter contain many topics which are very important to score good in class 9. There are some important topic mentioned below:

The man thinks that the snake is poisonous and hence it is better to kill it. He chases the snake with a stick. The snake is trying to escape at a great pace so that the man cannot reach and kill it. The movement of the snake is very graceful and elegant. The snake does not stick to one straight path but wends its way in and out of the path. At last, the snake floats over the water and hides itself into the green reeds. The snake has an instinct for its survival. It can smell and recognise the danger. It knows how to escape from it and reach to a safe place. It escapes the pursuing stick and its strike and finally vanishes into the green reeds.

Even a snake can be graceful and beautiful. At least to the poet, the snake is a living being with grace and beauty. The snake described in the poem is small and green in colour. The sudden curvings of its thin body charm the poem. So does its graceful movement. When it glides through the water it looks an object of grace and beauty. He develops a liking and sympathy for this strange creative of nature. He appeals not to attack such a graceful creature. The small green snake is not poisonous. It is harmless even to children. Such a beautiful and harmless snake should not be an object of our anger. On the other hand, it deserves appreciation and our sympathy.

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Some questions are asked by class 9 students related to English

Question 1.
What is the snake trying to escape from?
The snake is trying to escape from the pursuing stick. Human beings try their level best to kill the snake. They take it for granted that the snake is poisonous and harmful.

Question 2.
Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour?
No, it is not harmful. It is a green snake.

Question 3.
What does the poet appeal?
Every creature demands our sympathy and protection. The snake is small and green and is harmless even to the children. The poet is a very kind and generous man. He is sympathetic to the snake. So it appeals to let it go safely to his place.

Question 4.
Where does the snake vanish?
The snake does possess the instinct of survival. With sudden curvings of its body, he can escape from the stick aimed at him. The snake vanishes in the ripples among the green thin reeds.

Question 5.
Describe the natural beauty of the snake. It the poet fascinated by it?
It is a small snake. It is green in colour. Curvings of its long body have their own appeal. His shapes are graceful and beautiful. So are its movements. The harmless, graceful and beautiful snake attracts the admiration and sympathy of the poet.

Question 6.
How does the snake escape and survive the pursuing stick?
A stick is aimed at the snake. The snake knows well that it can harm it. It has a sharp sense of smelling the coming danger. He also knows how to escape it. He glides away through the water away from the stroke. Finally, it vanishes in the green slim reeds.