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Ncert Solution | Ncert Solution for class 11th | NCERT solutions for Class 11 English Woven Words Essay | NCERT ENGLISH WOVEN WORDS CHAPTERS 1 THE THIRD AND FINAL CONTINENT
by   Pooja Singla
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NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Chapters 1 The Third and Final Continent

Ncert solutions for class 11 English Woven Words Chapters 1 The Third and Final Continent are prepared by CBSE student eCARE expert to score good marks in class 11. Classes 11 English Woven Words Chapters 1 The Third and Final Continent contain many topics which are very important to score good in class 11. There are some important topic mentioned below:

The narrator of this short story is a Bengali man in his early thirties who leaves India for Britain in 1964. He spends several years in London living with other Bengalis and begins a career as a librarian. Then, he is offered a job in Boston at the same time as he is due to return to Calcutta and participate in an arranged marriage. He books flights to Calcutta, gets married, and spends a few nights with his bride, Mala. Then he flies alone to Boston, the intention being for his wife to join him later.

The narrator brings out the contrast in the Indian way of living and the American society as the story is full of ample examples that proved it was adjusting in the American society is not an easy task for the Indians. No, Mala, the narrator's wife was not able to adjust completely in the new atmosphere. She was not at all comfortable moving to an altogether new place where everything was completely different.

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Some questions are asked by class 11 students related to English

Q.1: Indicate the details that tell us that the narrator was not very financially comfortable during his stay in London.

Ans : The chapter is full of instances that provide the base for the justification that the narrator was not very financially comfortable. He's travelling in the third class cabin being the initial one. The description of the place where he used to live which he states as icy cold washroom, and how they took turns in the cooking curry which they ate with their hands on a table which was covered with newspaper. He also didn't have a knife provided that he used the spoon to slice the eggs. All these details clearly state that he was not at all financially comfortable as he made the use of each penny wisely.

Q.2: How did the narrator adjust to the ways of life first in London and then in Cambridge, U.S.A.?

Ans : The narrator's bachelorhood has been shown was one full of adjustments. As making judicious use of what he had in hand was important, he had to think twice before making any expense. The various details provided in the chapter regarding the adjustments that he made provide justice to this statement. Initially, he started working in a library and accommodated with people of a similar kind, particularly bachelors. They shared everything ranging from food to toilet. This was a time when he was a bachelor, after that he got married things changed otherwise. Although he bagged a full-time job that did not raise the standards completely. The budgetary aspect remained the same. In addition, he had to make changes in his routine to make slots to buy milk and other essentials. Thus, all his life was a series of adjustments.

Q.3: What do you understand of the character of Mrs Croft from the story?

Ans : Mrs Croft has been depicted as a very stern and authoritative figure. She wants to question all the possibilities and was quite specific about whether the narrator was from Harvard or Tech, to make the decision regarding the renting out of her flat. Her character is seen as that of a lady who has an outer hard shell but is soft and tender from inside. This change is seen in the story when the chapter unfolds. Her character could be moulded as per the situation. The author was amazed to know that she was 103 years old.

Q.4: What kind of a relationship did Mrs Croft share with her daughter Helen?

Ans : The relationship between the mother and the daughter was more practical than emotional. The daughter was not empathy towards her mother rather she merely fulfilled the duties towards her as an obligation and not a single task done by her was out of love and affection. The relationship that both of them shared was not at all considerate and simply the obligatory duties that the daughter had to fulfil. She had no regard for her mother that she was 103 years old.